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Address: 1460 Ritchie Highway, Suite 209, Arnold, MD 21012
Phone: 410-789-7337 | Fax: 410-349-1107

Sports Physicals

Arundel Pediatrics is happy to perform sports participation clearance for our patients who have had COVID-19 in the past 6 months.

Based on the new American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines, we are recommending an in-person visit for a full physical exam and a comprehensive cardiac screening, based on the American Heart Association's new recommendations. We are able to perform screening EKGs as well, and can refer to cardiology based on any concerns at that visit. We are also able to recommend guidelines for returning back to physical activity in 7 stages, again based on AAP guidelines.

Please call our office at 410-789-7337 to schedule your child's visit so that we can make sure ALL of our athletes are safe to return to exercise!

Our Featured Pediatric Services

Arundel Pediatrics remains at the forefront of pediatric medicine as our providers stay current on policies, procedures as the recommendations are set forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics.