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Address: 1460 Ritchie Highway, Suite 209, Arnold, MD 21012
Phone: 410-789-7337 | Fax: 410-349-1107

New On-Call Phone Number Effective 4/7/2025

Attention All Arundel Pediatrics Patients

Effective April 7, 2025, there is a new phone number for after hours on-call services for patients of Arundel Pediatrics, P.A. The new number is 1-301-828-2578. Please update your records accordingly.

DO NOT CALL 1-833-957-4483, this will no longer be the on call number for Arundel Pediatrics effective April 7, 2025. 

***Please note that you, not your insurance company, may incur a fee from Arundel Pediatrics for calls to Hello Pediatrics After Hours Triage Line. ***

Our Featured Pediatric Services

Arundel Pediatrics remains at the forefront of pediatric medicine as our providers stay current on policies, procedures as the recommendations are set forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics.